Marriage scams can be a serious threat to foreigners seeking love in Thailand. These deceptive schemes involve scammers creating fake online personas or even in-person identities to target victims. They abuse a victim’s emotional vulnerability and desire for companionship in order to manipulate them into a fraudulent relationship.

The scammer aims to gain the victim’s trust and ultimately convince them to get married. This marriage can then be used to exploit the victim financially and potentially gain immigration benefits.

How do marriage scams in Thailand work?

Marriage scams typically contain the following elements: 

  1. Set a Trap: Scammers create profiles on dating sites or social media platforms, frequent bars or social gatherings, or attend matchmaking events looking for victims. They often use fake names and photos, and recount compelling backstories to appear genuine and sympathetic. In some cases, they might use a proxy, someone else’s identity, or photos to better appeal to the victim and protect themselves from repercussions.
  2. Build Trust: Once they lure a victim, they invest time and effort to build trust through conversations and personal stories that make the victim feel special and create emotional dependence. It’s important to note that scammers may not ask for money immediately to gain the victim’s trust. This emotional connection makes the victim more likely to comply with later financial requests.
  3. Requests for Financial Assistance: As the relationship progresses, scammers may fabricate stories of financial hardship and gradually increase requests for money, claiming medical bills, urgent business matters, or travel expenses. Alternatively, the scammer may wait until the marriage is complete to begin legally acquiring funds and assets from the victim to avoid raising suspicion.
  4. Proposal or Suggestion of Marriage: The scammer may bring up the topic of marriage, expressing a desire for a long-term commitment or mentioning future plans together. They may use emotional language to make the victim feel like marriage is the natural next step. This suggestion may happen relatively quickly after the relationship begins, or the scammer may rush to complete wedding plans to secure their hold on the victim. In some cases, they might also ask for a large sum of money as a dowry, or sinsod, as a gift to the scammer’s parents.
  5. Scammer Disappears: Once the scammer has legal access and entitlement to the victim’s property, funds, and other assets, they will find a way to end or escape the marriage. They may start arguments, demand a divorce, or disappear completely. 

Foreigners as Targets of Marriage Scams

Foreigners in Thailand are particularly susceptible to marriage scams for several reasons:

  • Online Dating and Social Gatherings: Scammers often operate on online dating sites, social media, in-person gatherings and mixers, and even through seemingly legitimate matchmaking services targeted at foreigners living abroad.
  • Isolation: Foreigners are usually far away from most family and friends, making them more likely to seek new relationships and more susceptible to emotional manipulation.
  • Language and Legal Barriers: Difficulties in understanding Thailand’s language and laws can make it harder for foreigners to notice red flags or seek help.
  • Land Ownership Restrictions: As foreigners cannot directly own landed property in Thailand, victims may be more easily convinced to purchase property under their spouse’s name. This effectively grants the scammer full legal rights over the property.

Damages and Losses from a Marriage Scam

Losses from marriage scams can include the following: 

  • Financial Loss: Marriage scams often lead to significant financial losses for the victim. Victims may be pressured into sending money for fabricated emergencies, nonexistent investments, dowries, or lavish gifts. These financial demands can drain the victim’s savings, lead them into debt, and even cause bankruptcy.
  • Emotional Distress: The emotional impact of a marriage scam can be devastating. Victims may experience betrayal, anxiety, shame, and depression after investing their emotions and trust in a fake relationship. The realization of being manipulated and lied to can be deeply damaging. Moreover, the scammer’s isolation of the victim can have damaging long-term effects on the victim’s familial relationships and friendships.
  • Loss of Trust: Marriage scams erode trust in future romantic relationships. Victims may become overly suspicious or cynical, making it difficult to form genuine connections.
  • Loss of Assets: Beyond financial losses, marriage scams can lead to victims losing other valuable assets. This can include transferring ownership of property like houses or vehicles to the scammer, or being tricked into giving up other valuable possessions. Foreigners in Thailand are particularly vulnerable to this type of loss because they cannot own land directly.
  • Legal Issues: In some cases, victims may be unknowingly involved in illegal activities orchestrated by the scammer. This can lead to legal repercussions for the victim. 

What to Do as a Victim of a Marriage Scam

  • Report the Scam: File a report with Thai authorities immediately. Contact the Tourist Police hotline at 1155 or the Anti-Online Scam Center at 1441. Reporting the scam helps authorities track criminal scammers and potentially recover funds.
  • Protect Your Finances: Contact your bank’s fraud department as soon as possible. Explain the situation and request to block any further transactions related to the scammer. Explore options for recovering lost funds through your bank’s fraud protection policies.
  • Gather Evidence: Don’t delete any communication with the scammer. Save all messages, emails, dating site conversations, and social media interactions. Keep copies of any financial transactions, receipts, or documents related to the scam. This evidence will be essential if you pursue legal action.
  • Seek Legal Help: Consult with a lawyer specializing in fraud cases. A lawyer can advise you on your legal options in Thailand, which may help to recover your losses. They can also help you understand your marital rights and dissolution options. 

Siam Legal is a full-service law firm with over 20 years of experience in Thai law. Our expert fraud and family advisors offer personalized, compassionate support to help you recover from the devastating effects of a marriage scam.

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