Section Code: 0246 - 0249
Criminal Code
Chapter 1: Offence Relating to Currencies
Section 246. Creation of Counterfeit Instruments
Whoever, makes an instrument or a material intended for counterfeiting or altering currency, whether it be a coin, bank-note or any other thing issued or authorized to be issued by the Government, or for counterfeiting or altering the Government bond or interest coupon attached to such bond, or possesses such instrument or material intended for use in counterfeit or alteration, shall be punished with imprisonment of five to fifteen years and fined of ten thousand to thirty thousand Baht.
Section 247. Counterfeit of Currency
If the offences mentioned in this chapter be committed concerning currency, whether it be a coin, bank-note or any other thing issued or authorized to be issued by the foreign Government, or relating to the foreign Government bond or interest coupon attached to such bond, the offender shall be liable to one half of the punishment as provided in such Section.
Section 248. Punishment
If the offender under Section 240, Section 241 or Section 247 has committed under the other Section as prescribed by this Chapter dealing with the thing counterfeited or altered by oneself, such person shall be punished under Section 240, Section 241 or Section 247 for one count only.
Section 249. Punishment for Currency Counterfeiting
Whoever, fabricates any kind of printed papers or pieces of metal, the characteristics and sizes of which resemble currency, whether it be a coin, bank-note or anything issued or authorized to be issued by the Government, or the Government bond or interest coupon attached to such bond, or disposes the same, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding one year or fined not exceeding two thousand Baht, or both.
If the disposal of the printed papers or pieces of metal mentioned in the first paragraph is the disposal by uttering as anything as mentioned in the first paragraph, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding three years or fined not exceeding six thousand Baht, or both.