Whether you’re an expat, a digital nomad, or a local, you should be wary of call center scams in Thailand. These deceptive schemes are designed to exploit trusting victims to steal their savings or personal information. As their name implies, call center scammers contact victims through electronic means of communication like phone calls or text messages, smartphone apps, or email. They impersonate Thai authorities, reputable businesses, or close family members and friends in an effort to defraud you. 

How Do Call Center Scams Work?

Call center scams often follow a similar pattern. Here’s how the scams work:

  1. Initial Contact: Scammers make contact either by sending text messages or placing a telephone call. Often, these scam calls include prerecorded robocalls and voicemail messages. 
  2. Impersonating a Trustworthy Person or Authority: Scammers usually impersonate one of the following people or entities to gain your trust:
    • Family Members or Friends such as a sick relative or a friend facing legal trouble and require your assistance.
    • Thai Authorities such as police officers, immigration officials, or government agents who use coercive and aggressive tactics to claim you are under investigation or have committed a crime.
    • Financial Institutions such as credit card or bank employees who warn of suspicious activity on your account.
    • Delivery Services like Thailand Post and other postal and courier companies alleging there was a package delivered to you, but was lost along the way. The scammers may ask you to update your address so it can be delivered correctly, or request your bank account details to issue a refund in an attempt to steal your financial information.
    • Technical Support advisors from established electronic, internet, or phone companies who then ask for passwords or other personal information to fix problems that don’t exist

    Scammers may use call spoofing so the number that appears on your phone looks familiar or legitimate. If they are impersonating an employee or authority figure, they may use technical jargon to sound genuine and professional.

  3. Request for Money or Information: Once you trust the scammer and are concerned about the scenario they have presented, they will offer you the chance to fix the problem by sending money. These requests often take one (or a combination) of the following forms:
    • ATM Tax Refund / Credit Card Debt: In this scenario, you receive a call from someone claiming to work for the Thai Revenue Department or a banking institution. They inform you that you are eligible for a tax refund or that you have an overdue credit card bill. If you believe them, they will ask you to visit an ATM to pay the bill or receive your refund. The scammer then provides instructions that guide you to unwittingly transfer funds to their account.
    • Drug Trafficking / Money Laundering Accusation: The scammer calls to falsely inform you that you are suspected of drug trafficking or money laundering and demands that you transfer funds to an account for investigation or to avoid further penalties or charges.
    • Lottery or Prize Winner: In this scheme, scam artists call to tell you you’ve won the lottery or a valuable prize, but you must pay the taxes or processing fees upfront to claim it.
    • Tech Support: Scammers pose as support advisors from reputable companies and claim that there is an issue with your phone, computer, or internet service. They may request remote access to your devices to steal your personal information or they may request payment to rectify the fictitious technical issue.
    • Bank Representative: Scammers may pretend to be representatives from banks and other reputable financial institutions in order to request your bank details and other sensitive data. They can then use this data to steal your identity and make unauthorized purchases from your accounts.
    • Medical Emergency / Legal Issues: In some circumstances, you may be contacted by someone claiming to be a relative or friend facing difficult circumstances such as a medical emergency or trouble with the law. This person could be a scammer manipulating your emotions before asking for financial assistance for a problem that doesn’t exist. 
  4. Consequences for the Victim: Call center scams can have devastating effects on a victim including:
    • Financial Losses: Victims have lost millions of Thai baht to call center scammers including their life savings and retirement pensions. They may also try to obtain your credit card information in order to make unauthorized charges.
    • Identity Theft: Scammers may attempt to obtain personal information like bank account details, social security and national ID numbers, and other sensitive data to steal your identity and cause further financial losses and potential legal issues. Identity theft leaves a devastating impact on victims, as in some cases, they may be framed for a crime they didn’t commit.
    • Emotional Distress: Many victims experience stress, anxiety, and a loss of trust in others after being manipulated by call center scammers.

What to Do as a Victim of a Call Center Scam

If you find yourself a victim of a call center scam in Thailand, take immediate action to protect yourself. The following steps can help you recover: 

  • Report the Scam: You can contact the Thai Tourist Police at 1155. Additionally, you can report the scam to the Anti-Online Scam Operation Center (AOC) via their hotline at 1441, which is available 24/7.
  • Protect Your Finances: Immediately contact your bank’s fraud department to inform them you’ve been scammed. They can prevent further losses and may be able to offer a chargeback.
  • Gather Evidence: Save all communications, transaction records, and any documents related to the scam.
  • Seek Legal Counsel: Consult with a lawyer to understand your legal options in Thailand. A qualified expert can help you recover lost funds and navigate your rights.

Siam Legal is a trusted law firm with over 20 years of experience in Thai law. Our dedicated team of fraud advisors provides personalized, compassionate support to help you recover from a call center scam. We will help you understand your rights, guide you through the legal process, help you reclaim your losses and, if necessary, litigate on your behalf.

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