Section Code: 0196 - 0199

Criminal Code


Chapter 1: Offence Against the Judicial Officials

Section 196. Violation of a Court Order

Whoever, violating the prohibition order of the Court given in the judgment under Section 50, shall be imprisoned not more of six months or fined not more of one thousand Baht, or both.

Section 197. Disruption of a Public Option

Whoever, to do or threaten to do an act of violence, to give or agree to give the benefit for hindering or obstructing the public auction of the official on account of the judgment or order of the Court, shall be imprisoned not more of six months or fined not more of one thousand Baht or both.

Section 198. Insulting a Court or a Judge

Whoever, insulting the Court or the judge in the trial or adjudication of the case, or obstructing the trial or adjudication of the Court, shall be punished with imprisonment of one to seven years or fined of two thousand to fourteen thousand Baht, or both.

Section 199. Hiding Corpses

Whoever, stealthily burying, concealing, removing or destroying the corpse or part of the corpse so as to conceal the birth, death or cause of death, shall be imprisoned not more than one year or fined not more of two thousand Baht, or both.