Which Court is competent to try and adjudicate a case and what are the rules and exceptions thereof?

General Principles:

  1. The Courts that are competent to try and adjudicate civil cases are Kwaeng Court, Provincial Court, and every Civil Court in Bangkok;

    Courts that are competent to try and adjudicate only specific kinds of civil cases shall be in accordance with the Act for the Establishment of and Procedure in such Courts, for instance, the Juvenile and Family Court, the Labour Court, the Tax Court, the Intellectual Property and International Trade Court, and the Bankruptcy Court.

  2. Except for the Courts that are competent to try and adjudicate cases in accordance with the Constitution, for instance, the Administrative Court or the Constitutional Court, the plaint instituting a case shall only be filed with the Court of First Instance, unless expressly stipulated otherwise by the law, for example, a plaint claiming unusual wealth or unusual increase of property of the person holding political position or the National Anti-Corruption Commissioner.

    This kind of case shall be initiated with and become final at the Supreme Court Criminal Division for Persons Holding of Political Positions.


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