Authority of Company Director
An important concept in Thai law is that limited company are to be managed by the authorized directors of the company. Furthermore, when a company is registered with the government authoriti …

Thai Limited Companies: Shareholder Meetings
Shareholder meetings are an important element in the management of Thai limited companies, since the authorized directors of the company must manage the company under the control of the meet …

Grounds for Divorce: Imprisonment
Among the different grounds for divorce in the Civil and Commercial Code is Section 1516(4/1) which allows one spouse to file for divorce if the other has been imprisoned for at least one ye …

Effects of a Debtor’s Default in Thai Law
A debtor’s default can lead to several effects under Thai law.
By virtue of an obligation, a creditor is entitled to claim performance from a debtor.
In case the debtor is not performing o …

Class Actions in Thailand
Under current law, Thailand only allows class action lawsuits for securities related issues such as holders of debentures to be joined by the Securities and Exchange Commission to a lawsuit …