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Section ID Law Description Field of Law
0453 - 0457 Contracts (Section 453-457) Civil and Commercial Code
0458 - 0460 Contracts (Section 458-460) Civil and Commercial Code
0461 - 0471 Contracts (Section 461-471) Civil and Commercial Code
0472 - 0474 Contracts (Section 472-474) Civil and Commercial Code
0475 - 0482 Contracts (Section 475-482) Civil and Commercial Code
0483 - 0485 Contracts (Section 483-485) Civil and Commercial Code
0486 - 0490 Contracts (Section 486-490) Civil and Commercial Code
0491 - 0502 Contracts (Section 491-502) Civil and Commercial Code
0503 - 0517 Contracts (Section 503-517) Civil and Commercial Code
0518 - 0520 Exchange (Section 518-520) Civil and Commercial Code
0521 - 0536 Exchange (Section 521-536) Civil and Commercial Code
0537 - 0545 Exchange (Section 537-545) Civil and Commercial Code
0546 - 0551 Exchange (Section 546-551) Civil and Commercial Code
0552 - 0563 Exchange (Section 552-563) Civil and Commercial Code
0564 - 0571 Exchange (Section 564-571) Civil and Commercial Code