Section ID Law Description Field of Law
0251 - 0276 Obligations (Section 251-276) Civil and Commercial Code
0277 - 0289 Obligations (Section 277-289) Civil and Commercial Code
0290 - 0302 Obligations (Section 290-302) Civil and Commercial Code
0303 - 0313 Obligations (Section 303-313) Civil and Commercial Code
0314 - 0339 Obligations (Section 314-339) Civil and Commercial Code
0340 - 0353 Obligations (Section 340-353) Civil and Commercial Code
0354 - 0368 Obligations (Section 354-368) Civil and Commercial Code
0369 - 0376 Obligations (Section 369-376) Civil and Commercial Code
0377 - 0385 Obligations (Section 377-385) Civil and Commercial Code
0386 - 0394 Obligations (Section 386-394) Civil and Commercial Code
0395 - 0405 Obligations (Section 395-405) Civil and Commercial Code
0406 - 0419 Undue Enrichment (Section 406-419) Civil and Commercial Code
0420 - 0437 Torts (Section 420-437) Civil and Commercial Code
0438 - 0448 Torts (Section 438-448) Civil and Commercial Code
0449 - 0452 Torts (Section 449-452) Civil and Commercial Code